
The responsible agent of the web-page is Ansgar Kewitz as far as no personal matters are concerned. All the partners of the firm bear the professionel title Patentanwalt (german patent attorney), conferred by the Federal Republic of Germany, further professional titles can be taken from the curricula vitae. Patent attorneys are subject to the supervision of the Patentanwaltskammer (patent bar) . Furthermore they are bound to the Patent Attorney Statute (BGBl. I 1966, p. 557 recently altered by BGBl. I 2001, p. 3656), the Professional Code of Patent Attorneys (Mitt. 1997, 243 ff.) , and their professional rules and regulations (which can be looked up at ficpi As far as the patent attorneys are admitted agents of European Patent Office, they are liable to the membership in the epi ( Institute of the European Patent Office) and thereby liable to the Code of Professional Conduct (epi-Information 2/2001, p. 75).

As admitted agents at the Office of the European Union the scope of their activity is determined by article Art. 89 of the Council Regulation (EC) No 40/94 of 20 December 1993 on the Community trade mark and Rules 76, 77, 78 of the Commission Regulation (EC) No 2868/95 of 13 December 1995 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 40/94 on the Community trade mark.

The patent law firm Patentanwälte Blasberg Kewitz & Reichel is a registered partnership (Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mit beschränkter Berufshaftung) having registration no. 1373 in the Official Register of Partnerships at the local court Frankfurt am Main (Germany).

Our TAX number is 013 386 60557. Our VAT number is DE224257702.


This website provides information and comments on legal issues and developments of interest in the field of intellectual property. Nothing in this website constitutes legal advice. Intellectual property laws and systems are multi-faceted and intricate, and regarding any problem or matter, we strongly recommend to obtain professional advice before taking any action with respect to any information contained in this website. We do not accept responsibility for information contained on this site and disclaim all liability in respect of such information.

This website contains links to other websites and we should like to emphasis that we are not responsible for the content of such other websites.

Webdesign, development and implementation: 

Tobias Flügel, Frankfurt a.M.

(C) 2020