Zu unserer Kooperation gehört die in Nähe des Flughafens London-Gatwick ansässige Kanzlei FRY HEATH & SPENCE LLP. Graham LOCKBiochemistry (B.Sc., University of Bristol), Chartered Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney Michele RICHARDSPharmacology Bsc (Hons), Leeds University, Chartered Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney Heather DONALDLLB (hons) University of Warwick LPC Chester College of Law LLM University of London - Queen Mary's College, UK Registered Trade Mark Attorney, European Trade Mark Attorney, EUIPO Professional Representative KONTAKT & STANDORT Fry Heath & Spence LLPGatwick- Head OfficeFaraday Court, Faraday Road,Crawley, RH10 9PUUnited Kingdom Email: mail@fhs.co.uk Tel.: (+44) (0) 1293 776880Fax.: (+44) (0) 1293 776837 Ein umfassendes Portrait finden Sie hier: https://www.fhs.co.uk